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21 Oct, 2018 0 Menteso

The 7 Most Common US Patent Docketing Errors

Let’s find out the 7 most common US patent docketing errors. The patent docketing process involves tracking and scheduling of due dates in a patent application process. These due dates are always critical as missing any deadline can lead to the abandonment of the patent application. The responsibility of a docketing professional becomes crucial here. The docketing professional must update the docketing system with accurate due dates ALWAYS.

Together with the accuracy of the dates, it is vital to enter bibliographic details correctly. And yes, it is equally crucial to update the dates on time. Imagine, if we docket the exact dates but after passing the deadline which sometimes is of just five days. Of course, in this situation, your docketing is of no use. I understand this as I handled many such requests in the past. I always ask my team to notify the client via an urgent email in all such time-pressing situations.

Understanding the importance of accurate docketing:  A docketing professional must accurately docket all due dates associated with filing a response to the notices and payment of issue fees, etc. Missing of even a single due date (unintentionally) while performing patent docketing might result in increased expenses (because of the PTO penalty) and delay in the grant of the patent.

I am sharing my experience wherein I believe the following seven documents need special care as these pop-ups are quite frequent at the time of docketing. Here is the list:

  1. Notice of Allowance/Notice of Allowability
  2. Informational Notice to Applicant
  3. Office Actions
  4. Filing Receipts
  5. Notice of Panel Decision
  6. Examiner and Applicant-Initiated Interview Summaries
  7. Notice of Appeal

I firmly believe that errors while docketing these documents can be avoided by thorough understanding and meticulously reading the complete documents. Further, all the notices should be reviewed at least 2-3 times so that we generate accurate deadlines in the docketing system.

With accurate and timely patent docketing we can avoid unnecessary expenses including extension fees etc. and abandonment. High-quality docketing is peace of mind for everyone.

We will discuss each of these documents one by one and explain their process of docketing in our next articles. We will publish these under new articles week after week. Stay tuned! In the meantime, read about our Patent and Trademark Docketing Services. 🙂

Examiner and Applicant-Initiated Interview Summaries:-

Patent docketing is a critical aspect of the patent process that ensures that all relevant information related to a patent application is correctly recorded and tracked. Docketing errors can have significant consequences for both the applicant and the examiner. In this article, we will discuss some of the most common errors in US patent docketing in examiner and applicant-initiated interview summaries.

  1. Missing or Incomplete Information:

One of the most common errors in docketing examiner and applicant-initiated interview summaries is missing or incomplete information. Interview summaries must include all relevant details, including the date of the interview, the names of all participants, and a summary of the discussion. If this information is missing or incomplete, it can cause confusion or delays in the patent process.

  1. Incorrect Dates:

Another common error in docketing examiner and applicant-initiated interview summaries is incorrect dates. The dates of interviews are essential for tracking the progress of the patent application, and errors in these dates can lead to confusion and delays. It is important to ensure that all dates are recorded accurately and consistently throughout the patent process.

  1. Failure to Record Decisions and Action Items:

During an interview, people make decisions and assign action items. These decisions and action items must be recorded accurately in the interview summary to ensure that all parties are aware of what was discussed and agreed upon. Failure to record decisions and action items can lead to misunderstandings and delays in the patent process.

  1. Lack of Consistency:

Consistency is critical in docketing examiner and applicant-initiated interview summaries. All information related to a patent application should be recorded consistently throughout the patent process to ensure accuracy and clarity. This includes the format of the summaries, the terminology used, and the information included.

  1. Failure to Update Information:

Finally, failure to update information in examiner and applicant-initiated interview summaries can lead to confusion and delays. It is necessary to document all modifications to the patent application accurately and promptly in the interview summaries to ensure that all parties are aware of the current status of the application.

In conclusion, docketing errors in examiner and applicant-initiated interview summaries can have significant consequences for the patent process. And It is essential to ensure that all information is recorded accurately and consistently to avoid confusion and delays. Patent applicants and examiners should make a concerted effort to identify and address these common errors to ensure that the patent process runs smoothly and efficiently.

Notice of Appeal:-

The Notice of Appeal is an important document in the US patent process that initiates the appeal process for a rejected patent application. As with all patent docketing, errors in the Notice of Appeal can have significant consequences for the applicant’s ability to appeal the decision. In this article, we will discuss some of the most common errors in US patent docketing in the Notice of Appeal.

  1. Missing or Incomplete Information:

One of the most common errors in docketing a Notice of Appeal is missing or incomplete information. The Notice of Appeal must include all relevant information, including the names of the appellant and the patent examiner, the application number, and the date of the decision being appealed. If this information is missing or incomplete, It is possible either dismiss or postpone the appeal.

  1. Incorrect Dates:

Another common error in docketing a Notice of Appeal is incorrect dates. The Notice of Appeal must be filed within a specific time frame after the decision is appealed. If the appeal is filed too early or too late, it may be dismissed. It is essential to ensure that all dates are recorded accurately and consistently throughout the appeal process.

  1. Failure to Include Required Documents:

Certain documents are essential to the Notice of Appeal, such as the appealing decision, and a copy of the rejected claims. If these essential documents are absent, the appeal might not be acceptable. And It is essential to ensure that the Notice of Appeal includes all necessary documentation.

  1. Lack of Consistency:

Consistency is critical in docketing a Notice of Appeal. All information related to the appeal should be recorded consistently throughout the appeal process to ensure accuracy and clarity. This includes the format of the Notice of Appeal, the terminology used, and the information included.

  1. Failure to Update Information:

Finally, failure to update information in the Notice of Appeal can lead to confusion and delays. It is necessary to accurately describe all changes to the patent application. and promptly in the Notice of Appeal to ensure that all parties are aware of the current status of the application.

In conclusion, docketing errors in the Notice of Appeal can have significant consequences for the patent process. It is essential to ensure that there is accurate documentation of all facts and consistency to avoid confusion and delays. Patent applicants and their legal representatives should make a concerted effort to identify and address these common errors to ensure that the appeal process runs smoothly and efficiently.


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